Hoje tinha um embrulho à minha espera quando cheguei a casa! CD's yuppi!!!! Então entreti-me a ver artworks, lyrics, essas coisas todas e deparei-me com frases de escritores conhecidos, em alguns dos álbums. Ora aqui vão elas:
" But only in their dreams can men be truly free, 'Twas always thus, and always thus will be"
John Keating
(no Booklet de Imaginerum - Nightwish
GIF extraído do filme Dead Poets Society)
"Earth raised up her head from the darkness, dread and dread
Her light fled, and her locks covered with grey despair"
William Blake
(no Booklet de A Rose for the Apocalypse - Draconian)
"I keep your memory near my heart,
My brilliant, beautiful guiding Star,
Till long life over, I too depart
To the infinite night where perhaps you are"
Lawrence Hope (pseudónimo de Adela Florence Nicholson)
(no Booklet de A Rose for the Apocalypse - Draconian)